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讓您擁有海外工作及生活的體驗 與各國籍同仁一起共事,同時增強英語力 相關資訊如下 :
<CG Manager Recruit Standard> ● Working conditions - Working day : Monday~Friday (5 days a week) - Holiday : Saturday~Sunday and the Philippines regular holidays - Working hour : 08:00~17:30 ** For emergency case during holidays, the manager needs to work eventually without overtime pay(holiday duty). Also, sometimes the manager should work after 17:30 if we are very busy.
● Vacation leave 1) Working period below 1year(total 12days) - Every 1month get 1day leave - Maximum 5days leave can use at one time 2) Working period over 1year(total 20days) - Every 1month get 1day leave + 8days - Maximum 10days leave can use at one time
歡迎私訊小編洽詢詳情或聯繫LINE帳號 : cgacademy3
1. 中英文履歷
2. Skype ID
麻煩請協助寄至 cgworldtw@cebucg.com 信箱,謝謝
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